Asiful Arefeen
Asiful Arefeen

PhD Candidate

About Me

I am Asiful Arefeen, PhD student in the Biomedical Informatics program at Arizona State University (ASU). I am working as a graduate research assistant at the Embedded Machine Intelligence Lab (EMIL) led by Dr Hassan Ghasemzadeh.

Before ASU, I started my PhD in Computer Science at Washington State University (WSU) in 2020 but got transferred after a year. Prior to WSU, I completed my undergrad from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) back in 2019.

I am interested in Explainable AI, Counterfactual Explanations techniques, AI driven intervention design, and Machine Learning Applications in Health Monitoring Algorithm/System development.

Download CV
  • Explainable AI
  • Counterfactual XAI
  • Label Efficient AI
  • AI driven intervention design
  • Mobile Health
  • Wearable Sensors
  • PhD Biomedical Informatics

    Arizona State University

  • MS Coumputer Science

    Arizona State University

  • MS Biomedical Informatics

    Arizona State University

  • BS Electrical Engineering

    Bangladesh University of Eng. & Tech.


  1. Research Affiliate

    Mayo Clinic
    I am working as a research affiliate for Dr. Bithika Thompson. My task is to improve the current Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) technology to reduce the number of abnormal glycemic events.
  2. Graduate Research Assistant

    Embedded Machine Intelligence Lab, ASU
    Responsibilities include:
    • – I have been doing research on explainable AI and label efficient AI
    • – I have published 1 journal article and 3 conference proceedings.
    • – I taught BMI 310: Android Application Development for Population Health during Spring'24.
  3. Graduate Teaching Assistant

    EECS, Washington State University
    I was TA for the following courses:
    • – CPT_S 427 Computer Security (Fall'20), taught by Dr. Ananth Jillepalli
    • – CPT_S 121 Program Design and Development C/C++ (Spring'21), taught by Andrew O'Fallon
    • – CPT_S 122 Data Structures C/C++ (Spring'21), taught by Andrew O'Fallon


  1. PhD Biomedical Informatics

    Arizona State University
    Supervised by Dr Hassan Ghasemzadeh.
  2. MS Coumputer Science

    Arizona State University
  3. MS Biomedical Informatics

    Arizona State University
  4. BS Electrical Engineering

    Bangladesh University of Eng. & Tech.
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Recent News


[May, 2024] Shovito and Asif received 2024 CHS Student Heat and Health Research Challenge Award.

[Jan, 2024] Asif’s poster GlyCoach won the best poster award on ASU College of Health Solutions Faculty Research Day.


[Nov, 2023] Asif received the NIH T32 Institutional Training Grant for AI in Precision Nutrition (AIPrN) Research.

[Aug, 2023] Asif received NSF Student Travel Award to attend IEEE BHI'23 at Pittsburgh, PA.